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Laboratory Service

Microbiology Tests

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Testing for
Traces & Impurities

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Biochemistry Tests

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Histopatology Tests

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About Research

Over 20 Years of Experience With Best Results.

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  • The Mycobacteriology Section
  • The Aerobic Bacteriology Section


Wining Awards


Test Completed
Research Topic

Medical, Medicine and Health
Science Topic

Functional Characterization of a Metallothionein Gene (CsMT4) in Cucumber.

Duan Ling, et al., Horticultural Plant Journal, 2019

Excepteur sint ocecat pro dent sunt in culpa.qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.

Model Modification of Participatory of Community Asset Development Research.

Duan Ling, et al., Horticultural Plant Journal, 2019

Excepteur sint ocecat pro dent sunt in culpa.qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.

Effect of Benzoin Resin Fumes on Indoor Environmental Microbes and Aacterial Isolates from Patients.

Duan Ling, et al., Horticultural Plant Journal, 2019

Excepteur sint ocecat pro dent sunt in culpa.qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est.

Screening of Sixteen Commonly Consumed Green Leafy Vegetables for Carotenoids.

Duan Ling, et al., Horticultural Plant Journal, 2019

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Well Ensure You Always Get The Best Results.

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Medical Research

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Blood Resources Program

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Extramural Funding

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Permanent Staff
Test Completed
Wining Awards
Years Of Exps.

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Dr. Margot Robbie

PHD Student

Dr. Margot Robbie

PHD Student

Dr. Margot Robbie

PHD Student

Dr. Margot Robbie

PHD Student
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